Group Coaching

Accelerate Your Success with Monthly Group Coaching

1 topic, 1 session per month, 12 months per year

Check out our topics

  • Have you ever wanted to be known as the best listing agent in the eyes of your peers and customers, but didn't know what it would take to get there? If so, then this course will show you how to wow sellers and be the preferred listing agent in your market. After completing this course, you'll know the ins and outs of what it takes to be a top agent and grow your sales business more than you ever imagined.

    In this course, you'll discover:

    • Learn how to build a world-class list presentation to wow and win more customers.

    • How to take on more lists than ever before and manage salespeople with ease.

    • The 5 different ways to find sellers in this market.

    • How to turn difficult sellers into easy customers so you can focus on getting more listings.

    • The best scripts to use with any type of salesperson.

    • How to leverage your CRM to get more listings with less effort.

    A breakdown of what's included in the course:

    • 12 monthly virtual sessions over 12 months with Daniel Berger

    • Scripts and dialogues to use with your salespeople.

    • Access to get all your questions answered by Daniel

    • Bonus: e-mail access to Daniel between your calls

  • The whole procedure on how to build the best model as a buyer's real estate broker that will save you time and make you more money!

    In your career, have you ever thought that working with buyers is so difficult and not worth the effort? If so, you're not the only real estate broker to say so. In this course, you'll learn exactly how to take a buyer from the moment you generate them as a prospect to closing the deal and earning repeat business from them and their referrals!

    In this course you’ll learn:

    • How to develop the right business plan for your buyer real estate brokerage business

    • The best lead pillars for generating and converting the best buyers

    • The best scripts to use with any type of buyer

    • Learn the best buyer presentation in the industry

    • Everything you need to know about visit assistants

    • How to earn repeat business and referrals from your buyers

    This course includes:

    • 8 weeks of buyer systems training (1 hour per week)

    • Getting all your questions answered by Daniel

    • Scripts and dialogues to use with your buyers

    • Your own buyer persona presentation

    • Bonus: Business model to calculate your commission target

    • Bonus: Buyer needs questionnaire

    • Bonus: E-mail access to Daniel between calls

  • The special events you offer your target clientele, as well as community events in your firm's area, are a no-pressure, potentially no-cost way to attract quality buyers and sellers who are pre-sold to working with you as a real estate broker. These events give people an easy way to meet you, in person or virtually, and showcase your market knowledge and expertise. Discover the strategy used by top agents nationwide that enables them to convert these leads at a high level, potentially up to 50% of event attendees within 90 days!

    Dans ce cours, vous découvrirez:

    • Comment recruter des partenaires alliés qui amèneront leurs clients à votre événement

    • Comment savoir quand utiliser un événement communautaire de votre secteur ferme et quand utiliser des événements éducatifs

    • Comment savoir quand organiser des événements spéciaux pour votre clientèle cible

    • Quoi envoyer et quand l’envoyer pour garantir la participation à votre événement

    • Comment continuer à générer de nouveaux clients à partir des participants précédents

    This course includes:

    • How to know when to use a community event

    • When to use special events with your customers

    • 4 communication kits for your special events, complete with all the e-mails, text messages, letters and timetables for sending them out

    • 4 communication kits for your firm's community events, complete with all e-mails, text messages, letters and timetables for sending them

    • Bonus: Invitation to access Daniel's special virtual events free of charge

    • Bonus: Access to the session offered by Daniel - "How to identify the 5 lead generation sources that best suit your personality and skills."

    • Bonus: Direct access to Daniel's e-mail between your calls

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